Keep your trees away from lines

Trees and branches near power lines can pose serious risks to the public and can cause power outages, especially during high winds and storms.

It's important to plant trees well away from power lines and keep branches trimmed before they grow too close.  


Keeping safe  

Do not trim or cut trees that are within four metres of power lines — it is extremely dangerous. Touching or coming close to lines can result in severe or fatal injury.   

If your trees are close to power lines, make sure you get them trimmed by a professional.  


It’s your legal responsibility  

It is the tree owner’s responsibility to keep all trees at least four meters away from power lines.  

Tree owners can be fined up to $10,000 for failure to comply with notice requirements, plus up to $500 a day for a continuing offence as per the Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003.  


Need some advice?  

If you want some advice on managing trees in your area, you should contact your local lines company. 


diamgram showing tree regulations and cut back zones