We represent all 29 lines companies that operate the poles and wires delivering electricity to every region across Aotearoa.
We use our voice to make sure that all New Zealanders have reliable, sustainable and affordable electricity 24/7.
We not only work closely with the lines companies who distribute the power. We also work with government, regulators, generation, transmission and retailers, to support the critical role of lines companies.
Operating since 1997, we provide expert advice on electricity distribution to enhance the industry and, most importantly, the communities it serves.
What we care about most is climate, customers and collaboration.
The electricity distribution industry:
employs 10,000 people
delivers energy to more than two million homes and businesses
has spent or invested $8 billion in the last five years.
New Zealand has a world-leading energy system. We want to keep it that way and continue to improve it, meeting the challenge of net carbon-zero electricity generation by 2030, and net carbon-zero New Zealand by 2050.
ENA strategy
Our strategic plan is set for the next three years, starting FY 2023/24. It sets out our key priorities and direction to support the electricity distribution sector in the transition to a low-carbon, electrified economy for New Zealand.