Traffic cones are increasing the price of power
Safety must always be the top priority when working on the electricity network, but the escalating cost of temporary traffic management (TTM) faced by electricity networks is extraordinary.
Read moreExciting leadership opportunity – Future Networks Forum co-chair vacancy
The Future Networks Forum (FNF) is a collaboration of lines companies driving innovation and progress toward our climate goals. A co-chair position is open and we need someone to step in — and help shape the future of networks in Aotearoa.
Read moreImproving the electricity connections journey and a new glossary
The Future Networks Forum is streamlining and improving the customer experience when connecting to the electricity network. The first action has been achieved with a sector-wide glossary to standardise terminology across lines companies.
Read moreJason Franklin named as new CEO of Powerco
Jason’s experience and dedication to the growth of the sector will be invaluable to Powerco which is the second largest distributor of electricity and gas in Aotearoa. He'll begin in the role from 28 April 2025.
Read moreNew toolkit to drive gender equity
Women in the electricity sector are paid on average 22% less than men — a gender pay gap that's nearly three times the national average. The research is based on 11,472 employee records from 25 companies and organisations.
Read moreJaun Park and Karen Frew join the ENA Board
We’re very excited to announce that two new members are joining the ENA board — Jaun Park and Karen Frew.
Read moreLines companies win at EEA Awards
A huge congrats to lines companies Northpower, WEL Networks and Powerco who won gold today at the Electricity Engineers' Association of New Zealand awards!
Read moreCalling for cross-party agreement amidst growing energy concerns
Leaders from the energy and resources sector have signed a joint letter urging political leaders to join forces on a critical issue: the future of New Zealand's energy.
Read moreEDBs took home gold at the 2024 Energy Excellence Awards
Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 New Zealand Energy Excellence Awards.
Read moreGranny flat rules may exacerbate an ongoing issue
The Government is proposing changes to make it easier to build granny flats. We don't want changes to inflate an already existing safety problem when building near power lines.
Read moreChanges to tree regulations
We’ve been working with MBIE to try and progress changes to the tree regulations. It has released a targeted consultation to ENA (and through ENA our members).
Read moreStudy tour insights report
A contingent of 40 people completed the inaugural Electricity Networks Aotearoa (ENA) study tour from 18-22 March 2024 in Adelaide, Australia. The delegation was made up of lines company Chairs, CEs and GMs and staff from ENA.
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