After 12-year stint, Ken Sutherland steps down as ENA chair

News 20 October 2022

Long-term chair Ken Sutherland didn’t seek re-election at ENA's AGM this week. His departure from the board ended a stellar 20-year innings, including 12 years as chair.  

“Ken joined the board when ENA, created after the 1998 Bradford reforms, was in its infancy,” ENA chief executive Graeme Peters said.  

“He’s been very influential in creating a regulatory and policy environment that supports electricity networks in providing affordable power safely to 2.1 million customers.” 

“During his board term, Ken was passionate about the value of electricity in supporting the prosperity and wellbeing of society, keeping the interests of consumers front and centre. He’s also championed the benefits of innovation in technology and pricing, improvements which will take the sector into an exciting new era of development.” 

ENA deputy chair Nigel Barbour said he has been privileged to work alongside Ken on the ENA board since 2008. 

“Ken has been a tireless advocate for the sector, strongly supporting and defending its interests over the past two decades while keeping a consumer focus.  

“He’s extremely knowledgeable about policies and regulations which control networks and never shirked calling out unnecessary or sub-optimal regulation that’ll lead to inferior outcomes. Similarly, he’s quick to praise policymakers when they get it right,” Barbour said. 

Andrew Tombs and Richard Fletcher are also standing down from the board this year. Andrew has served five years on the board and Richard was elected in 2020.  Their and Ken’s significant contributions to both the ENA and wider industry were acknowledged at the most recent ENA board meeting. 

While standing down from ENA’s board, Ken will continue to focus on his role as group chief executive of Unison Group and governance positions.