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Overview of the electricity industry
Annual Reports
Our history - a brief overview
Published ENA submissions
2025 Submissions
2024 Submissions
2023 Submissions
2022 Submissions
2021 Submissions
2020 Submissions
2019 Submissions
2018 Submissions
2017 Submissions
2016 Submissions
Consultation tracker
News and events
Consumers prefer simplicity for pricing
ENA to become a nominal shareholder in Are Ake
Your power bill broken down
Joint approach to promote public safety around electricity
Commerce Commission praises lines companies' asset management plans
Electricity tax decision will strip $24 million from provinces
ENA and members lay out priorities to Commerce Commission
New pricing roadmaps published
The Lines Company’s pricing review suggests lessons for distribution pricing going forward
Low fixed charges hold back electric vehicles
Badly maintained trees near power lines causing outages in storms
Final pricing guidance report published
New ComCom restrictions should end calls for ringfencing
Fire ruling highlights need for change
Energy policies suggest the end is nigh for low fixed charge
LFC barrier to electric vehicle update in New Zealand
New ENA board members elected
New government plans "full-scale review into retail power pricing"
Electricity pricing review
Electricity pricing review
WEL Networks goes off grid to light up Te Awa Cycleway bridge
Electric Village comes to Gisborne
Winter energy payment welcomed
Over 100 years of electric history celebrated in Gisborne
Vector project wins sustainability award
Terms of reference for Government electricity price review
Vector lights up the Auckland harbour bridge with solar power
Why the Low Fixed Charge regulations should be removed
Review of tree regulations announced
Why the tree regulations aren’t working
Safety concerns over privately-owned power lines and poles
Collaboration between lines companies celebrated
ComCom decision rams home need for more leeway in electricity reliability standards
ENA response to first report of Government Electricity Price Review
ENA recommends changes to distribution sector regulation
Wellington Electricity makes progress on seismic strengthening
Pricing reform workshop agrees to work together on proposed timing of changes
Unfair low-user subsidy must go
Review of tree regulations finally starting
Subscribe to the new ENA newsletter for stakeholders
Network Transformation Roadmap launched
ENA responds to the Electricity Price Review options paper
Network Transformation Roadmap video
ENA members support EnergyMate pilot tackling energy hardship
Common competency framework introduced for technical lines staff
Government response to Interim Climate Change Committee Report
A consumer's perspective of new electricity technologies in the home
Consumers to be given louder voice by government
Energy hardship to be targeted
Latest ENA consumer reference panel tackles pricing reform
Anger at Government’s Westpower decision
Award winning lines companies
Push to give lines maintenance vehicles priority status
Answering the Climate Change Minister's electric vehicle challenge
National's commitment to abolish low fixed charge welcomed
Electricity distributors warn against intervention in competitive market
Tree trimming awareness campaign reaches millions
Keeping the lights on during the pandemic
Lines charge reductions don't make their way to consumers' pockets
Consulting with consumers
Encouraging consumers to shop around
Six members in box seat for excellence awards
ENA responds to Climate Change Commission report
Making sure the consumer voice is heard
Preparing for the climate challenge
Improving visibility helps networks prepare for megashifts in electricity
Getting ready for electrification
Taking the lead on new ways to generate and distribute electricity
Long history of collaboration in electricity distribution sector
Transitioning out of the low fixed charge pricing option for electricity
Encouraging industrial use of electricity
Transformation Update
Megan Woods urges a ‘joined up’ energy sector approach to decarbonisation
Consumers prefer effective outage communications as measure of EDB performance
Network transformation site launched
Northland solar taking off
Managing the impact of EV charging on grid demand
Regulatory settings need changing for climate change adaptation
Sector needs more responsive regulatory regime, ENA says
Massive funding boost will support EDB upgrades
Innovation happening across the sector
International Energy Agency reviewing New Zealand
Modelling will show household energy spend in 2035
ENA supports mandating EV smart chargers
ENA looks back a 100 years
Making low-voltage networks visible
Stakeholder briefing on network transformation
Total household energy cost to reduce over time
Unprecedented industry response from lines companies to Cyclone Gabrielle
Graeme Peters urges tree regulations review on Morning Report
Logistics issues hamper industry response
Praise appreciated – much work to come
Electricity sector welcomes forestry slash inquiry
Gabrielle’s power lessons
Better tree regs will mean fewer power cuts during storms
ENA addresses investment needs on Morning Report
Energy consumers will ultimately pay less
Launch of EDB investment driver ‘heatmap’
What lines companies investment is needed over the next 20 years?
New brand underpins ENA refocus
Submission on energy hardship
New chief executive for Electricity Networks Aotearoa
Energy companies Powering Change on climate targets
EDBs working to accelerate EV charging station rollout
ENA welcomes electricity sector funding
WACC 65th percentile call surprises
Alpine Energy enables electrification and decarbonisation at WoolWorks
Minister speaks on industry challenges
TLC case study – sharing community renewable energy
First FNF Innovation Forum
First-of-its-kind climate fund to back 100% renewable electricity
Consultation launched on five streams of energy policy
Dear energy and resources spokespeople across the political spectrum ...
Considered distribution pricing reform vital
Outstanding performance in Energy Awards
Unison’s Windsor Substation achieves world-first Living Building Challenge Petal Certification
EVs 'State of the Nation'
Annual Connection 2023 highlights industry calibre
Reminder on Electricity Network’s Review of Cyclone Gabrielle webinar
Zero-fossil fuels orchard features on Country Calendar
Communications and engagement manager – full time
Annual Report 2022-2023
30 Voices on 2030
Copper theft puts lives and communities at risk
Second FNF Innovation Forum provides opportunity for input and insights to key initiatives
First Powering Change newsletter
New Ministers welcomed
New Zealand networks moving to meet EV boom
New map highlights all EDB connection prices and policies
Copper theft must stop
First independent director appointment
Study tour insights report
We'd love two minutes of your time
Changes to tree regulations
Calling for cross-party agreement amidst growing energy concerns
Launch of New Zealand's first utility-scale Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
Solar uptake in the far north accelerating
Aurora’s Energy's Upper Clutha project
Vector's electric vehicle charging research
Westpower's low voltage monitoring device
Report praises electricity distribution sector’s handling of cyclone
Announcing the Future Networks Forum
Higher WACC percentile needed
After 12-year stint, Ken Sutherland steps down as ENA chair
EDBs took home gold at the 2024 Energy Excellence Awards
Granny flat rules may exacerbate an ongoing issue
Lines companies win at EEA Awards
Jaun Park and Karen Frew join the ENA Board
New toolkit to drive gender equity
Jason Franklin named as new CEO of Powerco
ENA Future Networks Forum: Innovation Forum
Downstream 2025
Our newsletter
Glossary for the electricity sector
EDB connection factsheets and contribution policies
Electricity Distribution Sector Cyclone Gabrielle Review
EDBs investment driver heatmap
Common Competency Framework
Lines pricing information
Electrification of NZ's energy needs
EDB requests for non-network alternative services
Powering up for change
Members' login
Lines Company Map
News and events
Powering up for change
Members' login
ENA Annual Report 2023
pdf (3.4 MB)
Network Transformation Roadmap - two year progress
pdf (757 KB)
ENA Annual Review 2022
pdf (477 KB)
ENA Network Transformation Roadmap Adapted Scenarios
pdf (2.2 MB)
NTR case study - Aurora
pdf (223 KB)
Network News June 2021
pdf (95 KB)
NTR case study - Westpower
pdf (148 KB)
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