Consultation tracker

We keep track of all consultations that are on the go and are relevant for lines companies. This is updated each month.


Name Organisation Publication date due Date Will ENA submit
Options for the future of work-based learning Ministry of Education 27/01/2025 21/02/2025 ENA is likely to submit 
Task Force 1a working paper - supporting PPAs (Entrant generators – context, headwinds and options for power purchase agreements) Electricity Authority 21/1/2025 28/02/2025 ENA will not submit
2026 Gas default price-quality path
Commerce Commission  13/2/2025 13/3/2025  
Energy Competition Task Force consultation - Initiative 2A - Cost-reflective distribution export tariffs
Electricity Authority 12/2/2025 26/3/2025 ENA will submit 
Energy Competition Task Force consultation - Initiatives 2B+2C - Retail pricing (ToU and Export)
Electricity Authority 12/2/2025 26/3/2025 ENA will submit
Distributed Generation Pricing Principles Electricity Authority 12/2/2025 26/3/2025 ENA will submit
Call for evidence: National Climate Change Risk Assessment Climate Change Commission  28/11/2024 31/03/2025 TBC

Please note:

  • This page is typically updated at the end of each month or ad hoc when needed.
  • Completed submissions can be viewed here.