New brand underpins ENA refocus

Electricity Networks Aotearoa (ENA) has been unveiled as the new brand for the peak body for electricity lines companies, complementing its repositioning as a higher-profile, climate-focused and inclusive organisation.
The rebrand is a positive progression for ENA as it adopts a new strategy based on an exciting energy future and three key focuses – customers, collaboration and climate, says ENA chief executive Graeme Peters.
“Through this rebrand, ENA is seeking to take a greater leadership role for our members in the transition to a low-carbon, electrified economy for the benefit of our 2.1 million home and business customers,” says Peters.
Officially launched at a Wellington cocktail event attended by Minister of Energy and Resources Megan Woods last night (26 April), the new brand sees the word ‘association’ replaced by ‘Aotearoa’.
Furthermore, the strapline introduced to highlight ENA’s strategic focus has been included in both English and te reo:
- Climate – Āhuarangi.
- Customers – Kiritaki.
- Collaboration – Mahi Ngātahi.
“The replacement of association with Aotearoa and the introduction of te reo in the other elements of the brand are designed to reflect an increasing emphasis on inclusiveness and diversity as ENA positions for its critical future role in New Zealand’s electrification and decarbonisation,” continues Peters.
“The use of Aotearoa reinforces the organisation’s outward role and national focus rather than the more anachronistic and inward-looking word association.
“The inclusion of ENA’s three strategic pillars to our visible brand and identity – Climate, Customers and Collaboration – is designed to highlight and reflect ENA’s recently refreshed and refined strategic focus.
“It signals ENA’s commitment to working with its members to support future network transformation, innovation and climate resilience, with the goal of providing greater choice and improved outcomes for customers and for the country as a whole.”
Introduction of the te reo version of the strategic focus signifies ENA’s commitment to inclusiveness and respect for the association’s treaty partner stakeholders, adds Peters.
“It also reflects the closer and valued relationships that have been, and are continuing to be, developed by ENA’s member companies themselves with local iwi stakeholders.”
Minster of Energy and Resources Dr Megan Woods, pictured between ERANZ chair Anna Kominik and ENA chair Nigel Barbour at last night's joint cocktail evening
Furthermore, the visual representation of the name in the logo has been strengthened through a stronger typeface, simplified colouring and tighter formatting.
However, the abbreviation ‘ENA’ has deliberately remained unchanged with the adoption of Aotearoa rather than association in the name.